Eligibility & Admission Requirements

SOQP Eligibility Requirements

The Supervisory Officer Qualification Program will accept candidates based on the submission of full documentation as required by The Ontario College of Teachers Act (1996) Regulation 176/10. for Academic Candidates and by the Education Act, Regulation 309. for Business Candidates.

Academic Candidates

35. (1) The Registrar shall record on a candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration an entry for the supervisory officer’s qualification if the Registrar has satisfactory evidence that the candidate meets one or more of the requirements set out in subsection (2) and that, at the time he or she was admitted to the program, he or she met all of the requirements listed in subsection (3).  O. Reg. 176/10, s. 35 (1).

(2) The requirements for the purposes of this subsection are as follows:

1.  The candidate successfully completed an accredited program leading to the qualification within five years after starting the program.

2.  The candidate has qualifications and experience, including experience gained while employed as a supervisory officer under section 2.0.1 of Regulation 309 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Supervisory Officers) made under the Education Act, that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to the successful completion of all of the modules of an accredited program leading to the qualification.

3.  The candidate has qualifications and experience, including experience gained while employed as a supervisory officer under section 2.0.1 of Regulation 309 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to the successful completion of some of the modules of an accredited program leading to the qualification, and the candidate successfully completed the remaining modules of the program, as identified by the Registrar, within five years after starting the program.  O. Reg. 176/10, s. 35 (2).

(3) The requirements for the purposes of this subsection are as follows:

1.  The candidate held an acceptable post-secondary degree or qualifications the Registrar considers to be equivalent to such a degree.

2.  The candidate had,

i.  an entry on his or her general certificate of qualification and registration for qualification in grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B or in the intermediate division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A, and entries for qualification in any two of,

A.  the primary division,

B.  the junior division, and

C.  either grade 11 and 12 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B or the senior division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A, or

ii.  qualifications that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to the qualifications described in subparagraph i.

3.  The candidate had at least five school years of successful classroom teaching experience in a school providing elementary or secondary education, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or the appropriate supervisory official.

4.  The candidate held a master’s degree for which the candidate was required to complete at least 30 graduate post-secondary credits or their equivalent, or a doctorate, where the master’s degree or doctorate was granted by an institution identified in clause (a) or (b) of the definition of “acceptable post-secondary degree” in subsection 1 (1).

5.  The candidate met one or more of the following criteria:

i.  The candidate held,

A.  an Elementary School Principal’s Certificate,

B.  a Secondary School Principal’s Certificate, Type A,

C.  a Secondary School Principal’s Certificate, Type B, or

D.  a Secondary School Principal’s Certificate.

ii.  The candidate held principal’s qualifications.

iii.  The candidate held qualifications to be a principal from a jurisdiction outside Ontario, as verified by the appropriate supervisory official.

iv.  The candidate held or had held a principal’s position outside Ontario that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to a position in Ontario for which principal’s qualifications are required under the Education Act.

v.  The candidate held specialist or honours specialist qualifications in one or more subjects and had, in addition to the experience required by paragraph 3, at least two school years of successful experience as a teacher appointed by a school board to supervise or co-ordinate a subject or program or to act as a consultant for the teachers of a subject or program, as verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or the appropriate supervisory official.

vi.  The candidate,

A.  held specialist or honour specialist qualifications from a jurisdiction outside Ontario, as verified by the appropriate supervisory official, and the Registrar considers the qualifications equivalent to the qualifications described in subparagraph v, and

B.  had, in addition to the experience required by paragraph 3, at least two years of successful experience in a position that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to a position described in subparagraph v.

vii.  The candidate had, in addition to the experience required by paragraph 3, at least two years of experience,

A.  as an education officer employed at the Ministry, as verified by a district manager or branch director of the Ministry, or as an employee outside Ontario in a position that the Registrar considers to be equivalent,

B.  as an employee outside Ontario in a position that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to the position of supervisory officer of a school board, as verified by the appropriate supervisory official, or

C.  as a program consultant seconded to the Ministry for French language, English language or Native language programs, as verified by a district manager or branch director of the Ministry, or as an employee outside Ontario in a position that the Registrar considers to be equivalent.

viii.  The candidate had, in addition to the experience required by paragraph 3, at least two years of education-related leadership experience in an educational organization in a position that the Registrar considers comparable to one of the positions described in subparagraph vii.  O. Reg. 176/10, s. 35 (3).

(4) To fulfil the requirement in paragraph 4 of subsection (3) relating to the completion of graduate post-secondary credits or their equivalent, the credits or their equivalent must have been completed by the candidate in addition to any credits that he or she was required to complete to be granted a general certificate of qualification and registration.  O. Reg. 176/10, s. 35 (4).

(4.1) An entry on a candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration indicating that he or she has qualifications in three subjects listed in Schedule F is deemed to be equivalent to one specialist or honour specialist qualification for the purposes of subparagraph 5 v of subsection (3).  O. Reg. 176/10, s. 49 (5).

(5) The Registrar may grant a one-year extension to the five-year period referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of subsection (2) if,

(a)  in the Registrar’s opinion, there are exceptional circumstances that prevent the candidate from completing the program within the five years; and

(b)  the person applied for the extension before the end of the five-year period.  O. Reg. 176/10, s. 35 (5).

Business Candidates

  • The person has at least seven years of successful business experience in business administration, including at least three years in a managerial role relevant to the role of business supervisory officer.
  • The person holds an acceptable post-secondary degree.
  • The person, holds a master’s degree that is an acceptable post-secondary degree, or is qualified to practice as an architect, certified general accountant, certified management accountant, chartered accountant, lawyer, professional engineer, certified human resources professional, or is qualified to practice in another professional capacity that, in the opinion of the Minister, provides experience appropriate for the position of business supervisory officer.
  • The person has successfully completed a program in school board management.
  • The person has successfully completed the business Supervisory Officer’s Qualifications program described in section 2.2 within five years after starting the program.
  • Attestation form for Business Candidates.

SOQP Admission Requirements

Applications, including original transcripts, are due 6 weeks prior to the start of each module to allow for continuous entry into the SOQP.

The Program Calendar is available by clicking here.

Attestation Form – Business Candidates

This attestation form should only be completed when the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Instruction and Leadership Development Division (as the delegate of the Minister of Education) is being asked to consider post-secondary education and experience relevant to the role of a business supervisory officer and equivalent to the program in school board management under s.1(4)(b) of Ontario Regulation 309 under the Education Act.