Program & Module Overview
Supervisory Officers’ Qualifications Program (SOQP)
The Ontario Catholic Supervisory Officers’ Association operates the SOQP for the Catholic Community under the name of the Catholic Community Delivery Organization (CCDO) and is an approved provider of the SOQP program by the Ontario College of Teachers.
The CCDO vision for the SOQP program is to prepare candidates who will foster, emulate and promote the distinctive mission of our Catholic schools. The graduates of our program will have expanded knowledge, skills and attitudes to collaboratively set direction, nurture meaningful relationships, promote the growth and development of others, and ensure the accountability of all stakeholders to meet instructional goals and develop and manage a faith filled school system.
Program Overview Introduction
The SOQP is an intensive professional development program which candidates must complete successfully, within a 5 year time frame, to acquire a Supervisory Officer’s Certificate in Ontario as either an Academic or a Business Supervisory Officers.
In SOQP, candidates must hold the appropriate admission requirements and must successfully complete a program of four modules and a supervised practicum to be recommended for a Supervisory Officers’ Certificate or a Business Supervisory Officer’s Certificate.
The Program is comprised of four instructional modules and a leadership practicum that focus on the integration of knowledge, attitudes, skills
Module 1 - Supervisory Officer as System Leader (50 hours) (previously The Personal Leadership Perspective)
This module focuses on opportunities to increase self-awareness and self-understanding. Candidates will discern the interaction of the personal with the professional self as essential for the ongoing learning and personal development of the Supervisory Officer. The module focuses on developing a personal profile, introspection, awareness of personality types, life-long goals, communication styles, agents of change, career planning, performance enhancement, networking, political skills, stress management, conflict resolution and case studies.Â
Module 2 - Leading System Change (50 hours) (previously The Provincial Leadership Perspective)
This module focuses on opportunities for candidates to expand and apply their knowledge of statutes, regulations, legislation, policy development, finances, educational structures and related issues affecting education in Ontario. The module focuses on Provincial Acts, Regulations, education funding, curriculum management, current issues and case studies.
Module 3 - Governance (50 hours) (previously The Leadership and Organizational Change Perspective)
This module focuses on opportunities to enhance knowledge of research, management and leadership theory, organizational change in education, theories and practices of curriculum leadership, supervision, administration and business organization. The module focuses on the adult learner, learning profiles, management and leadership skills, current issues, strategic planning, labour-employee relations, negotiations, effective schools and the role of Trustees.
Module 4 - Accountability (50 hours) (previously The System Leadership Perspective)
This module focuses intentionally on nurturing candidate’s understanding of accountability and high standards for quality in Catholic education to meet the needs of Ontario Catholic District School Boards which are legally established, constitutionally confirmed and publicly funded. The foundation for the development of this module is the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession. Candidates will build knowledge and skills related to the role of the Catholic Supervisory Officer in realizing the vision of the school district and leading the strategic directions for human rights, equity and anti-oppression.
Module 5 - The Leadership Practicum (50 hours)
The purpose of the Leadership Practicum is to provide candidates with a system leadership initiative that is guided by the System-Level Leadership Framework, found in the Ontario Leadership Framework: A School and System Leader’s Guide to Putting Ontario’s Leadership Framework into Action.
The Leadership Practicum provides an in-depth educational experience designed to allow candidates to integrate and apply the content from the SOQP modules and their leadership competencies within a district school board or other educational setting of a similar nature. It allows candidates to deepen their skills as leaders who promote equity, inclusivity and system-wide well-being.