Who We Are
OCSOA is a professional organization of Catholic Supervisory Officers dedicated to furthering the interests of Catholic Education and to promoting the professional development and welfare of its members.
OCSOA is a faith-centred learning community of leaders called to serve and shape the future of Catholic Education. The vision of the Ontario Catholic Supervisory Officers’ Association is focused on the following six areas:
Catholic Education
OCSOA will be a strong, proactive and collective voice advocating for Catholic education in a strategic and effective manner and will continue to promote and be a part of a strong provincial voice celebrating, promoting and strengthening Catholic education.
Our Association Members
OCSOA will advocate for and advance the interests of all OCSOA members; be a strong voice to advance the interests of association members in Catholic education and employment matters. OCSOA will advocate, lead, mentor supervisory officers and to act as a vehicle for networking, to invest purposefully in ongoing systematic faith formation for Catholic leaders and other forms of professional development and communication.
Educational Improvement
OCSOA will work with our Catholic partners, for a strong united voice and common message. The uniqueness of the Catholic identity should be at the forefront in decision making, formation of provincial policy and to be respective of our Catholic pedagogy.
Student Learning and Well Being
OCSOA will work with our partners in Catholic education to ensure our students achieve high expectations of student achievement and well-being through the attainment of the Catholic graduate expectations with a focus on faith development and recognizing the uniqueness of each learner and their well-being.
All Students’ Inclusion and Equity In Our School System
OCSOA will continue to advocate for the inclusion of all students and their individual learning needs, to care for the vulnerable and advocate for the marginalized students in our systems.
Environmental Stewardship
OCSOA will take a lead in advocating for environmental stewardship and continue to model environmental stewardship through Catholic teachings, values, and the Catholic Graduate Expectations.
O God of all goodness and grace,
We praise you and bless your holy name.
We thank you for calling us to lead and serve in the field of Catholic education.
Help us to be true to that calling: to be people of faith, hope and love.
May we lead with vision, courage and compassion, and serve with humility, gentleness and kindness.
Strengthen us in our resolve to uphold the true, the good and the beautiful.
Stand by us in our efforts to promote your reign of justice, peace and love.
Give us eyes to see things not only as they are but as they should be,
ears to hear all the voices from the margins no less than from the center;
hearts to listen to the needs, hopes and dreams of all whom we are called to lead and serve.
O Holy Spirit, come and abide with us.
Enliven us with your creative power; Inspire us with your wisdom and understanding;
Warm us with your love, so that we may live what we profess to believe
and serve others with generous and cheerful hearts.
We make our prayer in Jesus’ name.