OCSOA Events
ECCODE AGM & Conference
The Directors of Education from across the province come together to meet and reflect on their common mission to Lead and to Serve in the field of Catholic Education.
The Catholic Leadership & Faith Development Committee supports OCSOA members by planning a February Retreat where you can join your colleagues for a few days of spiritual renewal.
AGM & Conference
The OCSOA AGM & Conference provides an opportunity for members to attend the business meeting and listen to our keynote speakers who are leaders in the Church, and fields that are helpful to our work as Supervisory Officers.
ROCSOA Retreat
The 2nd Annual ROCSOA Fall Retreat will be held on November 21, 2019, at St. Andrew’s Church in Oakville. Our Presenter will be Sr. Evanne Hunter, IBVM. She brings a wealth of experience and is presently responsible the Mary Ward Centre in Toronto.
This year’s theme is: Metanoia: A Change of Mind and Heart
ROCSOA Luncheon
ROCSOA members meet annually to share in our program and to renew friendships with your former colleagues.